
  • HIVEX Across Japan

    The sales team doesn’t always tell me what they’re doing. (Let’s not kid ourselves–they rarely do.) By happenstance, I stumbled across this recent video release demonstrating our current use-case. Watch the video first. Updated: Here is a Japanese version of the same video just released. HIVEX connects mobile payment service providers (MPSPs) across different countries,…

  • Narcotics Trafficking?

    This is one of the more entertaining SPAMs I have received recently. Maybe it’s due to my cryptocurrency holdings? I better go download and view that attached PDF forthwith. /s

  • ChatGPT, RU Sapient?

    ChatGPT, RU Sapient?

    ChatGPT cannot lie or be sapient. A lot of ink has been spilled in the last year about LLM X risks. LLMs can perform basic reasoning in natural languages in ways we would have deemed impossible five years ago. It’s impressive really. We are still working out as a society and as an industry how…